Sunday, August 31, 2008

Drill Heads Not Oil!

So now we get to see how smart Americans really are.

Gas prices have come back down over the past month. Now some say it was the government while others say it was demand and consumption went down. Rather than argue over who is right (the government never tells the truth anyway, but one more time let's give them some benefit of the doubt), let's assume it was a combination of both.

So just looking at the consumption piece, here's what it means................... We used less oil to get things done. We filled our cars when needed. We stayed closer to home. We did not make unnecessary trips. Our life did not come to an end.

So as you can see we don't need to drill Alaska, we need to drill the above fact into people's heads.

A phrase heard in the hallways of many companies today is "do more with less." How encouraging! The people who have come up with that line should be shot. The people who are reverberating those words throughout the organization need to have their dirt smudged window offices taken away from them. Do More With Less? What kind of stupidity is that? How about "get creativc and do more with what you have?"

As your resources get cut and taken away, how can you do more with what you have? That's the drilling that is needed!

I'm taking my bike to the beach today, not my car.

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