Friday, August 22, 2008

How Not To Become A Rumor

Ever feel like you're just trying to save your reputation? Ever wonder not what people are saying about you, but why? Ever wish you could stop the rumor mill? Here's how I do it.......
Step 1: Be clear that your actions are always honest, sincere and understood.
Step 2: Never open your mouth in front of the nosiest person you can find. Never ask their thoughts on anything. Just say hello and let them do all the talking. Then tell them to have a nice day. Now this could be tough since I know there is an office or neighborhood gossip within earshot of you right now.
Step 3: Document all your actions for public release. Perhaps buy a billboard.
Step 4: Sit back and watch what happens; because no matter how much you try at some point in your life you will be part of a rumor.

Okay, so that is not exactly what I do. Although I have thought about the billboard. It is fact, at some point in our lives we all have had a negative label attached to us; we have all been a target or victim of a rumor. In my Permission to Speed program I address this issue and toss out the idea of finding out what we did to attain that label and the steps we can take to remove it.

Or you can take the other approach..............plot your revenge!

Could your next conference use a fun humorous presentation keynote presenter? Invite Rich to play with your group. The payback will be ENORMOUS!

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