Saturday, January 3, 2009

We are a Nation of Disengaged Lazy Employees?

A while back I was listening to a talk show host go on about how American Workers have become lazy and that is why they have lost their edge and are not the Super Business Power that they once were or think they are.

Well I was shocked; as a speaker who presents on employee issues like morale, engagement and communication, I have only met people who tell me they work harder than anyone else, are the most loyal and give 200% to their careers and jobs.

So then who is this Lazy American that the idiot on TV was talking about?

Well I think I found him this morning!

I was picking up a few groceries in a local market when I came upon two clerks in the aisle. From the conversation it was clear that one of them was new. His response to the other one went something like this "all done" or "did it already."

Well all of a sudden the "experienced" guy tells the new guy that he was going to make him look bad; that he never finishes this before noon and that he should slow down. It was 10:30 AM.

Slow down?!?!?!?! Maybe Mr. Experienced One should take a lesson from the new kid on the block before the new kid is his boss - and remembers the conversation in the aisle on January 3, 2009.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rich!
    Just stopping by to say hello and let you know how refreshing it is to read a blog that is funny and uplifting! I love to see people with a great sense of humor, makes life a lot more interesting. I'll be visiting often.

    Make it a superb day!

    Deb Lamb
    Your Everything Services
