Monday, July 7, 2008

I Disappointed You??????

People make me laugh. I go to events all the time where people ask for my business card. We have barely had any meaningful conversation; they've spent most of the time telling me how wonderful they are, but they're asking for it - obviously to increase their database.

It is usually a short while after I start getting spam about their great product or service. I usually unsubscribe or email them asking to please be removed from their list.

On several occasions people have actually commented that they were disappointed when I asked to be removed. My response......................

"I was disappointed that you just felt it appropriate to add me."

Usually ends the conversation.

My new business card is going off to the printer this week. On it there is a place where my initials are required before you add me to any mailing list.

Hey, you gotta have some fun!

Looking for a fun motivational keynote speaker for your next event? Learn more about Rich please visit ; he's like Nasal Decongestant for Stuffy Technical Meetings

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